Our Prayer Wall

The best gift anyone can give to another is to send hope and encouragement through prayer. Join us in helping others by lifting their needs to our Lord.

  1. Prayer Wall

Please pray that my brother is freed of all hindering sins and brought into a more joyful relationship with Jesus! Ditto for my Relatives and myself.

- Christopher | December 5, 2023

Please remember my 7 Special Requests for Salvation of Souls and their Acts 2 Revival with Jesus!

- Christopher | December 5, 2023

Please pray that Jesus irons out my frustrations with my phone and computer (and heals me of all health concerns without Doctors).

- Christopher | December 5, 2023

Please pray for my Granddaughter Jenna. She is addicted to drugs. Her mother Amy needs to go to a group for drug addiction. Jenna currently is staying with a man thayt is giving her drugs. His name is George. Jenna needs to embrace recovery at a Good facility that allows her to have her vape. I pretty much raised her. She is highly intelligent but emotionally immature. I want to see her for Christmas!! Thank you!

- Linda S. Smith | December 5, 2023

Spiritual guidance for my daughter and youngest son- that in Jesus holy name, the attacks by the enemy would be thwarted and only our Heavenly Father's perfect will would prevail in their lives. So many thanks and blessings to those that pray!

- Nikki | December 2, 2023


- ARS | December 2, 2023

Praying A&C are delivered from, protected from all demonic attacks, in Jesus Name right now and for good, healing of Ashley's finger, and her cats ear, in Jesus Name, praying A&C are delivered from all sadness, depression, poverty, lack, anger in Jesus Name, praying the Blood of Jesus over them, praying they have energy and joy and money to clean their home and organize and the Holy Sporit fills them and their home and surrounds them, no weapon formed against them shall prosper, get behind them satan, block all curses from them and families, block all t.espinoza spells and return to t.espinoza, in Jesus Mighty Name Amen and Hallelujah.

- Anonymous | December 2, 2023

Please pray for my son to be delivered from drugs ,healed mentally and physically . I'm standing on God's written word, Isaiah 57:18(NKJV) says "I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will also lead him, and restore comforts to him and to his mourners.

- Anonymous | November 30, 2023

prayer that my husbands pain will stop. he has prostate cancer stage 4. that he gives all to our Father. that he does not become addicted to the drugs he is taking for the pain

- Anonymous | November 29, 2023

Would you please pray for healing and salvation for Gang, Peng and Xiao? They are cancer survivors in their 70s. Thank you.

- Anonymous | November 28, 2023

Pray for anyone who may need it Pray for those in was zones and disaster areas. Lord Jesus kniws what i need, but i hope he helps others too. Pray for thise who dont believe yet.

- Anonymous | November 27, 2023

Please pray for me to be healed from anxiety and worry. Thank you so much!

- Shelly | November 27, 2023

Please pray for me to be healed from anxiety and worry. Thank you so much!

- Shelly | November 27, 2023

Please pray for my family my son that he will get out of what he’s in and for my daughter that she will find a job she’s been looking for a long time

- Carol Francis | November 27, 2023

I started a go fund me on gofundme.com recently w/no luck , called -where is God? and D. O. G(daughters of god) if u could go check em out please. It explains the just of it but I've got bills that are past due now , made numerous attempts to get work or something, anything to make the 200 to keep mine and my sons lights on ,I needed before 2mara really or to try and get assistance to help me give me a lil more time for em but by grace of God they're not off again yet.. I don't like to ask for help and if or when I may have to it's like no one seems to want to be bothered.. the bible says God's view of generosity is giving until we feel it, and if someone asks to give, that doesn't mean to use that as a way to not do anything or take advantage but even own family who is able to wont even offer n knowing theyve more than means and ability to unless they want or need you or ur doin what or how they want u should do well thats what ive always treid to do myself and til im down n bout have no more to give and well no one to help or give back . I trust God will make a way . Thanks

- Tanya LaPrairie | November 27, 2023

Our homeschooling. I would like to continue homeschooling but it is not going well. My son is only interested in getting it over with. He does have a learning disability. It feels like pulling teeth teaching him. I feel like maybe I cant handle it anymore.

- Anonymous | November 27, 2023

Our homeschooling. I would like to continue homeschooling but it is not going well. My son is only interested in getting it over with. He does have a learning disability. It feels like pulling teeth teaching him. I feel like maybe I cant handle it anymore.

- Anonymous | November 27, 2023

plz can you help me. if i can't get something done before like 2mara prob at latest theyll be here to cut mine and my son's lights and water off.. idk what else to do aside from pray more or ask on web cause ive tried to get in touch with multiple diff.places for resources, even gofundme recently, dont have anyone around whom im able to ask or will he dependendable and show up to take me to and from a job let alone to look for one as well. don't have a ride , nor can i afford one anyhow but i cant do much else than waste more time on internet tryna find something i can figue out to do to have some kinda income but i try and just can't seem to understand and stay focused w/out being more lost w/ time due to my bills being due plus more time with my son when i do have him cause I'm tryna figure out what or how to do anything at all to make some money, online & be ok w/God. i can't ever complete tje whole process myself or ! it costs and well if i could pay it then id have 200 for my bills

- Tanya LaPrairie | November 26, 2023

Lord block Jessica an affair lady in every way, shape and form, now and at all times from the relationship and lives between Ashley and Culhain, no weapon formed against Ashley nor Culhain shall prosper, blessand protect Ashley and Culhains relationship, health, well-being, and lives together, deliver them from every evil, take their thoughts actions, words and lives captive to Christ, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen and Hallelujah!!!

- Anonymous | November 26, 2023

Hi Andrew Here again,i still am not joyful in my heart and want to ask you all to plesse pray for me znd my ex wife Rebecca.I dont think we are getting back together,but she is at least talking to me again.I apologized to her ,and her me .I thank yiu all for praying for me.I am a struggling Christian and need daily prayer.I am glad that my ex wife and i are speaking again.i dont want to purposely hold a grudge.I just turned 51 years old.And i pray i can spiritually mature some more.I also would like prayer for my mom paula

- Andrew L. | November 25, 2023


- CF | November 25, 2023

Pray that Anecia separate from Trevor and Kevin permanently and forever because they're pushing her away from Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Lord and Savior.

- Dee Dee | November 25, 2023

Please pray for my father, Algernon.

-Indie John Baptiste | November 24, 2023

For God to guide me to a girl to date & eventually marry who loves Jesus. I've been single for 6.5 years so it's hard to be patient and definitely is an ache of the heart almost daily. In the meantime I keep asking him to increase my love for Christ/satisfaction in Christ.

-Travis | November 24, 2023

I'm being sued for amount of money that I can't pay! I pray God Will Supply the money I need to pay this judgment and get all my debts paid SS be done for God's glory

- Anonymous | November 24, 2023

Asking prayer that Kevin and Trevor be separate permanently and forever from each other. That Trevor move out of Kevin home.

- Dee Dee | November 24, 2023

Please pray that Jesus would come back and save, heal, set free and deliver. Pray for fully surrendered, worshipful, prayerful, thankful hearts and that God would be gracious in Jesus name.

- Anonymous | November 24, 2023

Lung- Liver and Pancreas Cancer Healing of my daughter Charissa Reeves

-Gloria Jean Triebel | November 24, 2023

That the enemy is not allowed near us, nor near our blessings, property, lives, praying protection over our yard work and improvements, Lord sustain us and our blessings, backyard, properties, etc, and protect us in every way, by Your Grace and Mercy, in Jesus Name Amen. The Reiter and AVPPKRRSW families'

-Anonymous | November 21, 2023

For God to sustain me and Alina Pisarevskaya and for God to send his people into life of Alina Pisarevskaya and for her to be growing in wisdom and sound mind and discernment and for God to guide her in all her paths

-Anonymous | November 21, 2023

I pray for my husband. He has bulging discs in his neck. He had been in pain for a long time and now is really bad. Additionally, he has to change insurance from market place to Medicaid. Please pray he can get surgery asap.

-Mrs k | November 21, 2023

(Student) Pray for my grandma and grandpa who are in danger in Romania. Lord, please keep them safe.

-Anonymous | November 20, 2023

Good News Club (prayer request): 'My mom has a lot of stress about taxes. Her car broke down and we need to borrow a car.'

-Anonymous | November 20, 2023

My company is getting ready for the holiday season by filling stockings for kids. We pray that we reach our goal and have God reach their hearts. You can help us at www.mjvtx.org.

-Anonymous | November 18, 2023

A blessed day and night praise God

-Andrew and Nicole | November 18, 2023

Please pray for God to fill my neighborhood and I with various Heavenly spiritual salts. God bless!!!

-Anthony Sirianni | November 18, 2023

My son has had terrible left leg pain for almost one year. He has had Xray's that are non-specific. No amount of pain medicine seems to help. We have tried everything including physical therapy. On 10/22 he will undergo an MRI. and will see the surgeon on the 27th for follow up. Please pray for healing. My husband has an aortic tear which he has had for many years, but it has grown larger. The surgeon will not operate due to his age. He does not believe that he will make it off of the table. The best case scenario is to just leave it alone. Please pray for healing!

-Lisa Piera | November 17, 2023

Please pray for my daughter who is struggling with depression and addiction. She's trying hard to stay clean but her mental health challenges send her out using again. Please pray that she'll come back to the Lord.

-Theresa | November 17, 2023


-SHURRY FRANKLIN | November 17, 2023


-ANGLE | November 17, 2023


-TABITHA YOUNG | November 17, 2023

Pray for Anecia to forgive me (Jamal) because satan is putting unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger in her heart against me. I'm trying hard to bring Anecia to Jesus Christ for salvation.

-Jamal | November 16, 2023

Pray for Khadijah to forgive me (Jamal) because satan is putting unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger in her heart against me. We have to work together for our autistic son's sake. I'm trying hard to bring Khadijah to Jesus Christ and salvation.

-Jamal | November 16, 2023

Healing from bipolar disorder twitches musle spasms, God to remove suicidal thoughts wishing self were dead reverse this and give me happy days filled with positive thing's pray God to comfort me and give me strength God to seek vengeance on my doctor who caused me harm and protection from dystonia and all movements praise God

-Andrew | November 15, 2023

Sustainability for my family and to find Godly friends. Very lonely. Its just me , my mom, and my son and very few friends. My dad died in March. The Holidays are so lonely. Also for a miracle for my mission www.beautyfortheirashes.org

-Chaplain Liliana Maria | November 15, 2023

Prayer for healing for my daughter Taylor. 26 year old in the Navy. Praying for healing to heart from COVID effects. Also had endoscopy and colonoscopy yesterday. Waiting for results taken from biopsies. Praying that everything will be normal

Sandy | November 14, 2023

developed sciatica in 2017… i have controled it with exercise. i have orYed yo Gid to heal me. i believe he has, i have troubke accepting the healing … for it to manifest. pray for God to help my unbelief within my belief. thank you

Bobbie Manion | November 14, 2023

Sleep well at night healing from stress anxiety withdrawal from medication I discontinued praise God and wake up with energy and stamina good health protection

Andrew | November 13, 2023

Praying the blood of Jesus, God’s divine intervention, protection, mental, physical & overall well being. Praying he is cleared of any wrong doing, all offenses, fines & fees are dropped and divine justice is served. Praying God provides for his every need and he gets back on his feet in alignment with God’s Will.

Anonymous | November 12, 2023

God to bless the fruit of my womb with healthy twin girls praise the Lord

Nicole | November 11, 2023

Healing for health and brain protection over health and body praise God

Nicole | November 11, 2023

If you would please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding, body, mind, soul and spirit. In addition if you would pray that the attacks being done to me by The Devil and my enemies cease, and that their schemes against me are exposed and confounded. Please pray that The LORD protects me, fights for me, and delivers me from The Devil, my enemies, and any strongholds and bondages. Finally, if would pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual, material, and financial needs I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to pray for me and God bless you.

Ruben | November 10, 2023

A prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ to heal my itchy scalp and itchy hair. Amen.

Ms, Odette Dei | November 10, 2023

I pray that we.stop.going to.war and for all.the people.hurting for.what ever reason that they look.for.Gods love and be humble.and kind or just straight foward. to stop.being wolves in sheep.clothings,..

Margarita | November 9, 2023

That people would not be pushy, controlling or manipulating in my life.

Anonymous | November 8, 2023

hello please pray for my husband/marriage -we've been together nearly 29 yrs and he wants a divorce he hasn't been himself he's been hateful and angry- we still have a young child at home ask god to restore us thank you

Robin | November 7, 2023

God to repay back our enemies for speaking evil against us and hurting us thank you God for your hand of protection over us always and protection from future harm they can cause us

Andrew and Nicole | November 6, 2023

Healing for depression and anxiety and all muscle spasms and twitching and God to bring happiness joy in my life have more happy days and nights not sad days or nights praise God and God to reveal to me in special way I'm healed praise God

Andrew | November 6, 2023

Please pray for my dad, who is living stage 4 cancer and has been on the decline. He is not saved and I want nothing more than for him to go to Heaven. Please pray for divine healing and for the power of the Holy Spirit to touch his heart!

Anonymous | November 6, 2023

Praying the blood of Jesus, God's protection, favor & blessings upon Leland. Praying he is cleared of any wrong doing, all offenses, fines & fees are dropped and divine justice is served. Praying God provides for his every need and he gets back on his feet in alignment with God's Will.

Anonymous | November 4, 2023

To concentrate and focus better and healing of all bipolar symptoms and no withdrawal from medication healing from withdrawal of medication praise God

Andrew | November 4, 2023

Please pray for Joel, Celine, and Colleen's salvation. Please pray that The LORD blesses Joel with a Godly wife and that He helps his finances. Please pray that Celine's is able to get her life and finances in order, and for College's business to thrive. Please also pray for Kyle, Alan, and Patron grow in The LORD; are protected from The Devil, and that their needs are met.

Ruben | November 3, 2023

Pray for our new business Rod & Reel Ltd SICILY+CLL and my deliverance from captivity and torture torment in N. America.

Renee Louise LaFayette Cartier Rod & REEL Ltd, MN | November 1, 2023

Prayer for weight loss and to become thin and lean and stay thin and have flat stomach praise God for getting me in very good shape and health

Nicole | October 30, 2023

No twitching muscle spasms, god to heal my bipolar disorder, and if God doesn't heal my bipolar pray God gets me on the best. Medicine so I don't suffer, protection from Satan attacking my body and health God to give me idea wisdom about medicine that will help me God to help me get into good shape.

Andrew, MD | October 30, 2023

Please pray that my adult children find their way back to Jesus Christ.

Dr V., Maryland | October 29, 2023

Please pray the following for you, your loved ones, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: for GOD'S BREAD is the one who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world. Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to him at midnight and says to him, Friend, LEND ME THREE LOAVES OF BREAD; I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.

Ha-young Shin | October 29, 2023

Please pray for my walk with the Lord, for me to be in Gods word more and to just saturate my life in Him and giving Him glory. Please pray that I love as He loves and live according to Galatians 5, 1 Corin 13, and 1 John 4:7-8

Melanie, California | October 29, 2023

Please pray for God to deliver the World from evil spiritual armor and strongholds of an unspoken specific type. God bless!

Anthony Sirianni, PA | October 28, 2023

For God to sustain Alina Pisarevskaya in all her ways and for God's will to be done in her life

Anonymous | October 28, 2023

pray for people are being hospitalized from sickness! ive been down and out always looking to God for his help struggling with my relationships at home

Anonymous | October 27, 2023

Good health and energy stamina clear thinking praise God

Andrew and Nicole, USA | October 27, 2023

Prayer for healing from my traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder! a Christian doctor to give me medication from Gilead pharmaceuticals help with my 3 way marriage its a stepmother she is Catholic i had a baby very young also wasnt that prepared in finding decent child care so i could go to work i am depressed i used to be very sensual to get attention mothers maiden name was never on her birth certificate and she got taken away with ransom

Nadia | October 26, 2023

i want to ask Jesus for healing! my body from a traunatic-brain-injury that makes me go into altered states of consciousness my father caused the injury please forgive him Lord!!

Beth W. | October 26, 2023

I am requesting a positive, healing, abundance prayers for my sons & family. To heal our family spiritually, emotionally & physically. To give us guidance, break all curses, heal cancer, all our burdens, & to give us financial freedom, salvation from all that hurts us. I am sorry. Please forgive me if I have said "help me more than I've said Thank you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen

Anonymous | October 25, 2023

i pray to live past my circumstances a three-way marriage a very awkward love_triangle i pray for the kids mental health they have different moms but the same dad 7 years apart

Anonymous | October 24, 2023

Please pray for me and my family: - For me, for financial provision and sustainable income. - The health of myself, my wife and my elderly parents. God bless you.

- Anonymous | October 23, 2023

Pray for Khadijah to forgive me (Jamal) because satan is putting unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger in her against me. We have to work together for our autistic son sake. I'm trying hard to bring Khadijah to Jesus Christ and salvation.

- Jamal, NY | October 22, 2023

Travel mercies, great health and protection for my family and I, including CS and BW, and my extended family, in Jesus Name praying for Mitchs colon healing and that it's nothing serious, I rebuke all illness and disease away from us all by the Power of the Holy Spirit and Grace of God, in Jesus Name Amen

- Brandi | October 22, 2023

Pray for me, I had a mammogram. My mom HAD Breast cancer in her late 70's. It went into remission. Thank God. Now she has Stomach cancer.. Please pray for divine healing, health for us. Stand in Agreement.. Amen..

- Anonymous | October 22, 2023

Please pray for my husband Joe who has been placed in Home Hospice for terminal cancer. Praying God's will to heal, restore him completely. Hospice care is wonderful at keeping him comfortable at home. Pray for my peace, strength health endurance healing.. God bless. Amen

- Anonymous | October 22, 2023

i want to pray for people with mental health problems coming out of abusive relationship with spouse or father (brother uncle grandfather etc.) pray for strength to overcone the trauma amd heal from addiction

- Anonymous | October 22, 2023

Please pray for my multitutute of health issues to improve. and that my sister and niece and nephew to open up their hearts to me before I perish. I need Erich's and Paul Loves too. Please provide me with God's Wisdom , discernment, and strength.

- Kim, CA | October 22, 2023

Please pray for God to deliver the World from evil spiritual ice. Satan easily causes this evil. For God to replace it with the Heavenly version of it. God bless!

- Anthony Sirianni, Pennsylvania | October 21, 2023

Protection from sickness and disease and cancer

- Andrew and Nicole, MD | October 21, 2023

To be prepared and ready for God's soon return I pray God returns swiftly and God to heal us of depression guilt sorrow heaviness stress praise you God thank you for praying for us.

- Andrew and Nicole, MD | October 21, 2023

Revelatory Request, Please pray for God to deliver the World from a specific type of evil spiritual armor that allows for evil to simply have its way in the spiritual realm more unchallenged and uncountered by God. Ask God to reveal it to you and to replace it with His Heavenly spiritual armor replacements. God bless!

- Anthony Sirianni | October 19, 2023

I'm asking for prayers for my husband Joe, who has been placed in Home Hospice care. Praying God's will to heal, restore him completely. Nothing is too small or big for God. Please pray for my peace, health, strength healing My husband can no longer be left alone. Hospice care is keeping him comfortable. Pray we can get more help, especially with getting food for us. What's impossible with man is possible with God.. Stand in Agreement.

- Anonymous | October 19, 2023

PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY ACCIDENT PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS 10.17.23 I was asked by a nephew to send a prayer request for the families of the 4 Pepperdine University students who fatally died by vehicular homicide. The deceased names are Niamh Rolston, Peyton Stewart, Asha Weir and Deslyn Williams all seniors. Tonight I am lifting up a prayer for the families of these precious souls and praying for the Holy Spirit to comfort them during this very difficult time.

- Anonymous | October 18, 2023

Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials that I am going through, and that He protects and delivers me from The Devil and my enemies. Please pray that the attacks against me stop and whatever The Devil and my enemies are up to that their schemes are exposed and fail. Please pray that The LORD heals my backsliding, mind, body, soul and spirit. Please pray that The LORD provides for my spiritual, material, and financial needs. Please pray that The LORD helps me in all things. Thank you and God bless you.

- Ruben, CA | October 17, 2023

I would Love prayer please for patience and calmnss of heart. I have been praying for something for a long time nothing materialistic or health and the Lord has said yes but the waiting sometimes is very difficult and need strength if it is ok to ask ty. wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope" (Psalm 130:5).

- Dennis, MO | October 17, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, Re: TOTAL HEALING AND RESTORATION FOR A FULL LIFE HERE ON EARTH Tonight, I want to lift up our brother-in-Christ, author Thomas Horn who recently succumbed to a heart attack developing from an infection from pneumonia. As I pray for the medical staff that has been assigned to his case, we know that you are the great physician and you are still in the healing place and we trust your faithfulness. The family has specially requested to pray for 3 areas that are in need of supernatural intervention: flush out his system from the infection of the pneumonia, stabilize the machine for his heart {pacemaker?} and for his heart to improve in strength and not to waver or fluctuate. Psalm 107.19/20 -19 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. 20 He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.

- Jewell, Florida | October 17, 2023

Our daugher is going through a divorce and its taking a toll on her health ,she has type one diabetes . Pray she tuns back to God . Pray that she seeks christian counceling . Thank you.

- Anonymous | October 17, 2023

Healing from stress and worry protection from our enemies and our marriage to be sealed by the blood of christ

- Andrew and Nicole | October 17, 2023

Please pray for me to be healed of anxiety. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

- Shelly | October 17, 2023

im in a rehab center after having a mild stroke. My right shoulder is very painful. Please pray that the pain eases and I regain strength and balance.

- Debra Turowski, Ohio | October 17, 2023

Asking God's loving care and boundless grace to help me heal from the crushing grief I am experiencing following the death of my beloved husband. His passing has resulted in financial difficulties which have resulted in the loss of my home. Please pray for me.

- Karen, Alabama | October 16, 2023

Healing from cancer so he won't need chemo anymore and long life restoration praise God

- Donnie Pick, Massachusetts | October 16, 2023

Healing for bipolar, moods and no pleasure or fun in life God to restore my lost time the enemy took from me praise God thank you for praying for me

- Andrew | October 16, 2023

Please pray relatives who strongly want to get full guardianship of child in our family. We don't mind if it's true. Pray for biological parent know it's in the child's well being, protection of the child

- Anonymous | October 15, 2023

I just want to say a Prayer for everyone on the Prayer Wall and Everybody going through Life's Trials. I want to let you know God knows, understands, he will fight your all you Battles if you just receive and acknowledge him! Bless you All! :)

- Ms. Fee, Tennessee | October 15, 2023

Conflict in my marriage is high right now. Husband is giving me silent treatment and snearing at me. I've apologized but I can't function at all when he's like this. It's getting worse. Pray for Spirit to change us both to forgive & repent. pray he would soften toward me & love me

- Anonymous | October 15, 2023

Please pray for God to fill my house with spiritual power and all He desires. God bless!

- Tony, PA | October 15, 2023

Praying the blood of Jesus, God’s protection, favor & blessings upon Leland. Praying he is cleared of any wrong doing, all offenses, fines & fees are dropped and divine justice is served. Praying God provides for his every need and he gets back on his feet in alignment with God’s Will.

- Anonymous | October 15, 2023

i want help with praying for foster children in my care and my adoped daughter. Rebellion seems to pull on them too much especially at school. thank you.

- Anonymous | October 13, 2023

Please pray for God to deliver the American Northeast from evil strongholds, spiritual armor, chains, power sources, etc. God bless!

- Anthony | October 13, 2023

Healing protection from high blood pressure God to restore my health praise God

- Andrew | October 12, 2023

A favorable outcome in probate, allowing me to live and own house that my wife and I shared, which she wanted to leave to me, but neglected to put that in her will.

- ER, WA | October 12, 2023

I would like prayer, for my family to have peace with one another. For them to forgive the ones who think they did something wrong. you can't always make it to certain places, I pray for the lost for them to find Jesus. And accept Jesus into their hearts and to follow Jesus. i ask prayer for myself, for my arthritis in my knees and lower back, prayer for all who have arthritis for God's healing power be with those with arthritis. I pray for my lymphedema for healing, and all those who have all lymphedema. I pray for all these prayer requests, In the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.

- Lorraine M., Illinois | October 9, 2023

Please pray for Michaels's salvation and that the operation he is going to take goes well and that he has a speedy recovery. Also, please pray that the store Pan's which is a witchcraft store, goes out of business and is removed. Please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding, mind, body, soul and spirit. Please pray that He delivers me from the of The Devil and any bondages & Strongholds that I am under. Please pray that The attacks against me by the devil and my enemies cease and that The LORD delivers from them once and for all. Please pray whatever schemes the devil and my enemies are up to are exposed and come to nothing. Please pray for The LORD to protect me and to provide for all of my, materials and financial needs. Thank you and God bless you.

- Ruben, CA | October 9,2023

prayer for physical healing.

- Mike Nye, Everett, Washington | October 9, 2023

Healing for anxiety and fear to block satans attacking body health and mind God to protect from nightmares and bad dreams witchcraft attacking our marriage negative thoughts

- Andrew & Nicole | October 8, 2023

God gets rid of all twitches when falling asleep also removes all bad effects to body brain serquel medicine caused and injury it caused to body God to restore health and body protection from destonia tardive. Praise God

- Andrew Pick | October 6, 2023

Deliverance from mental illness. financial and spiritual break thru Entire family to be saved and filled with the Holy Ghost To be a strong witness for my Lord.

- Anonymous | October 6, 2023

Plz pray that God will help me forgive others and rid me of my anger and bitterness which is causing great weariness. Thank you!

- Victoria Creager, Ohio | October 5, 2023

we desperately need breakthrough in school for son. He is on a 504 plan but many teachers are very lazy and dont do what they need. son has multiple issues, been to the hospital, dr and counselor alot. my baby needs a break. its so hard. i fight w school and prepare the work very often. fighting w then is so hard. please God send us all logan needs, healing in Jesus name. victory. thank you

- Anonymous | October 4, 2023

Lord, Please remove all the evil in our government. Bring in Godly people to run the United States. Amen

- Connie, Texas | October 4, 2023

Requesting prayer for a financial miracle to arrive very soon. Also, requesting companionship with a Christian woman There have been some women at my church showing interest in me. Unfortunately, I've been acting shy and giving into fear and they are sad help us all please. One woman I don't know her name but I nicknamed her ivory because she was wearing white I think she's the right one for me. Thank you and God bless you.

- Sunny, Hayward, CA | October 3, 2023

healing from depression and side effects of medication God to bring restoration in my life

- Andrew, USA | October 3, 2023

Protection and happiness in our marriage and God's blessings and Peace and financial maricle

- Andrew and Nicole, USA | October 3, 2023

This evening I learned that a friend of mine needs prayer for her surgery on October 17th for her breast cancer. She[Evelyn] just turned 40 years old and I am praying for her total healing and restoration from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. May she experience God’s divine healing touch to be cancer-free and she will walk out her salvation testifying the goodness of God in the land of the living. Standing on Psalm 107.20 …He sent his word, and healed them: and delivered them from their destruction.

- Anonymous | October 3, 2023

I recently made sure i was right with the Lord.I now ask you fellow believers to please pray for me .I am divorced and have been depressed for a long time since then.I dont think my wife wants to get back with me.I can accept that as i am not 100% sure she knew the Lord .I just want Gods comfort and to have a little joy in my heart again.I have not been joyful in many many years.And i want back that again.

- Andrew L., Jacksonville, Florida | October 1, 2023

Dear Jesus thank you for the opportunity to pray. Please help each person here who is crying out to you. You know their needs before they utter them. Encourage them, guide them, comfort them give them the things they need right away in your Holy Name Amen

- Anonymous | September 29, 2023

Lost family members needing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. For them to Repent and believe the Good News, the Kingdom of Heaven has come near. Thank you for your prayers and time to pray for Hull's, Richardson's, Low's and others belonging to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

- Anonymous | September 28, 2023

Please pray for a restored marriage and family, healed hearts and minds, and clear and healthy boundaries drawn and sustained and respected with the love of Christ abounding in all. IMPOSSIBLE for us; I know not impossible with God. Thank you, Lord.

- A child of God | September 28, 2023

im in fl all alone i hate it csnt seen to fit in anywhere i go i never had this problem in my life need to kove i put my house fir sake but just scam calls please Pray i get out of hete and where God wants me to be ty. Dee Dee

- DeeDee, Florida | September 27, 2023

Prayer for a Godly mate or marriage restoration been divorced for 28years and lonely Prayer for family restoration and protection for son Larry Psalm 91 over son and prayers for the family members that withheld my son from me and bind any witchcraft spirit operating in my life something not right in my life.

- Gloria Hackman, Washington, D.C. | September 25, 2023

Please pray for my brother-in-law Tony and my mother. Both discovered a lump near their necks and I am praying for the results to come back as a good report. I pray none are cancerous and praying for the blessing of the Lord to consume our family household. In Jesus Name amen

- Anonymous | September 25, 2023

Hello! My name is Fredrik. I live in Sweden. I have a prayer request. Please pray for me to meet a woman God wants me to love and marry. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Thank you! God bless you! Best regards Fredrik

- Fedrik, Sweden | September 24, 2023

Please pray my best elderly friend can find her mothers ring. She lost it today while helping me get some groceries. I am disabled and need help and she has been so kind to me. Please pray the ring will turn up, My friend is devastated and i feel horrible because i was the one asking for help from her in the first place.i deeply thank whoever will pray for me.i dont have a lot of help or friends.I would consider it a early Christmas present if my friend can find it .i really truly would.

- Andrew L., Jacksonville, Florida | September 24, 2023

I am just struggling with many things these past few weeks. I feel quite alone in my journey. Please pray for me that I may hear God's direction. That if it is his will things get a bit easier for me in the coming weeks and months. Thank You.

- Anonymous | September 23, 2023

prayer for my 30 yr old daughter's and son-in-law who are struggling with infertility. They long for children of their own but both are trusting Godsplan fortheir lives. Appointment w/ Fertility doctor this Monday September 25.

- Kathy, New Hampshire | September 23, 2023

Pray that the spirits of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness out of Anecia that she has towards me (Jamal) and that our friendship will be restored back to me immediately with peace and love, so that I can continue helping her in the Lord Jesus Christ.

- Jamal, New York | September 23, 2023

Please pray for the lost, that they will find Jesus and be saved. Please pray for revival in America and all over the world., that cannot be contained. Please pray for protection of all of God's people, all over the world. Please pray for each other's strength, healing & peace that only the Lord can give. Please pray that our brothers and sisters will love and serve selflessly, like Jesus.

- RS, Georgia | September 22, 2023

Brother-in-law, Randy, having quadruple bypass on Saturday, 23rd. Please pray that the MD's are able to repair or completely reconstruct all 4 major vessels of the heart. Pray for peace, endurance and strength for my sister, Sue, and for the whole family. Pray for speedy healing for him along without infection. Pray the Holy Spirit will comfort, counselor, and encourage him, wife and the family during the medical situation. Thank you,

- Barb, Arizona | September 21, 2023

Going through a painful divorce, and my daughter is 12, in the midst of it. Praying that the outcome is what God would want.

- AM, Texas | September 21, 2023

my kids have been having behavior problems and st school our son has low muscle tone he gets occupational therapy gets speech therapy and he gets physical therapy and he gets special education plus he has ADHD plus our daughter has odd dmdd adhd she gets special education too my wife has been having varicose veins in her leg where the blood is not flowing right in her body it's not going up to her heart like it should be and they're just getting worse and my wife need prayer in her right ear she can hear out of her ear a little bit but not like it should be it's been like that almost two and a half years and we need prayer that God will open a door for our family and the living situation we're having we are getting kicked out of our place October the 31st and I'm the only one that is working and supporting the family and my wife stays home and takes care of the kids and we have no friends or family to help us out we're hoping! that somebody will work with us trying to get us in place

-Anonymous | September 21,2023

please pray for me to have relief from back and hip pains

- Anonymous, Indiana | September 20, 2023

my oldest adult son dealing with mental illness since 18 now 56 @ lost missing for 11 days pray safety @ located @ gets help he needs asap Lord knows his heart @ needs amen ~ family healing of diabetes my daughter @ my future @ health @ healing amen

- Anonymous | September 20, 2023

Praying God would bless my oldest son, Diego, away in college and for my youngest son, Felipe, who is a HS junior. Thanking God my husband is a hard working God fearing man. Prayers for my home church, our Pastor and his family.

- Cheryl F., New Jersey | September 20, 2023

Help me Father to soften my heart against the people who gossip behind my back and raise false accusations. Help me to set boundaries in a healthy way. And please help quiet the mouths of those that inflict their verbal and emotional pain and pass judgement against their own. Amen

- Kelly, Georgetown, Texas | September 20, 2023

We are getting kicked out October 31 we don't have nowhere to go I'm not having any luck finding a new place to move to nobody wants to work with me I'm the only one who work I'm still paying rent for the the place I have to move to soon I have 6 year old son daughter 8 year old i have a wife who doesn't work she takes care of our kids we praying for God to please open the door up for our family help us out we really need it we don't to be separated if we have to go to a shelter hopefully we won't we find a place my wife been having veins problems her blood is not circulating it's staying in her legs and it's not going to her heart plus she's been having hearing problems for about almost 2 years and her right ear she can't hear like she should be when we got to open the door to heal it and heal her veins in her legs they're vasios viens

- Anonymous | September 20, 2023

My Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Grace and Mercy. I love You Jesus. I need to hear from You in JESUS NAME. Amen

- Anonymous | September 20, 2023

If you would please pray for The Salvation of Steph and Will and that their spiritual and earthly needs are met. Also, that the wickedness being done to them stops and that they are able to get their lives in order. Also, please pray for me that The LORD heals my backsliding, my body, my mind and spirit as well. Please pray that He helps me through the trials that I am going through and protects & Delivera me from The Devil and my enemies. Please pray that The LORD provides for my Spiritual, Material and financial needs and that He helps me in all things. Thanks.

- Ruben, CA | September 19, 2023

That the Lord will protect Trump, to get Medicaid and a dog

- Michael | September 19, 2023

Pray that God will separate Anecia from Jeffrey permanently, that the soul-tie and strongholds, be broken, destroy and burn up permanently by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Jeffrey is pushing Anecia away from Jesus Christ.

- Dee Dee, NY | September 19, 2023

requesting prayer for a financial miracle to arrive very soon. Also requesting prayer for companionship with a Christian woman there have been some women at my church showing interest in me. Unfortunately, I've been acting very shy and some of them have been getting upset. I pray for healing for all the women involved, and for them to communicate with me, rather than to just use their body language and eyes. I feel very lonely almost every single day so I do not understand why I am acting shy I believe it may be a satanic attack but it's happened already over five or six times in the last month or so. thank you and God bless you.

- Sunny Lally, Hayward, CA | September 19, 2023

I had blood work, It came back that my cholesterol is high. I don't want to take cholesterol medication I tried to explain to my new doctor that under EXTREME STRESS, ANXIETY which can raise cholesterol. Please pray for divine healing, health, restoration God's grace Nothing is too small or big for God.

- Rene, WA | September 19, 2023

Prayer Warriors, my husband Joe was placed in Home Hospice care for terminal lung, colon cancer. God is the ultimate healer. What's impossible with man is possible with God. Pray for my strength healing endurance health Stand in Agreement, Please pray, forward this prayer request with others... Matthew 7 :7. Mark 11 :24. Amen

- Anonymous | September 19, 2023

Please pray for our country... Leaders in government. From the President on down. Please keep our military lifted. So many of our soldiers are young, fearful, inexperienced with SO MUCH, and they become property of the government, ordered around like robots and their families suffer! These soldiers are fearful of any and everything walking (some of them)...Like they look at everyone as their enemy or potential enemy and it hurts my soul so bad. Please pray for those that are: incarcerated, in hospitals, homeless, abused, mistreated, misunderstood, manipulated, gaslighted, struggling with addictions, single moms, single dads, widows, orphans, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, people that are lied on, broken marriages, whole marriages, children of divorcees, young adults, sick and shut in, elderly, all 50 states in the USA, all countries continents islands territories etc. and their govt. & leaders. Please pray for pregnant woman, children, the lost, & grieved.

- Ebby D, USA | September 18, 2023

My prayer request is for the healing and restoration of my marriage. We are going through difficulties with our communication towards each other and I ask God to step in and take over. I give my marriage to him and ask that he guide us in the direction of His Will. I ask that he forgive me of my sins and take over my heart, spirit, mind, thoughts, and tongue. I ask that every word that come out of my mouth be at the direction from Him. I ask that he soften the communication between my husband and I and let us not be so quick to anger without complete understanding. I love my husband and my marriage and I ask for God to come into our marriage right NOW! WE NEED HIM RIGHT NOW, WE NEED HIS GUIDANCE AND HIS POWER TO HELP US RIGHT NOW. ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO IT WITHOUT GOD AND I AM CALLING ON HIM RIGHT NOW!! I ask for my husband and I to communicate with a loving spirit toward each other. I rebuke any and every demonic assignment against my marriage, our t! rust, our forgiveness and peace,

- Brandi Mull, Tennessee | September 18, 2023

please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol LORD restore my marriage remove his stoney heart thank you

- Sally, CA | September 18, 2023

Pray for my Three adult children and two grandchildren that they will accept Jesus as their Savior.

- Anonymous | September 16, 2023

That there be a hunger and thirst for God. That I have an encounter with God like never before. That I finally receive the miracle of healing to my lower back anf the neuropathy in my right foot.

- Mary, Pennsylvania | September 16, 2023

Please pray for God to protect my body from all weapons formed against it. For God to bless it with every good thing He desires according to His good Will. God bless!!!

- Tony Sirianni, PA | September 16, 2023

Protection health school family friends with getting my life together

- Anonymous | September 16, 2023

Thank you for this platform and I ask for prayer that the ministry God has planted in me be brought to fruition, that I would "get out of the boat, Peter" and take a step in faith! The youth need me and I must GET BUSY, thus says the Lord! Christa's Coaching and the people are waiting... Blessings and prayers to my family on this site.

- Anonymous | September 15, 2023

Widow Seeking a Vehicle for Employment

- Anonymous | September 15, 2023

Pray for my step children to have a healthy relationship with their mother. Pray for my step children to have a relationship with each other. Pray that my step children's salvation & deliverance from drugs & alcohol.

- Anonymous | September 14, 2023

Dear God, I pray for each request posted here. Please heal those in need of healing. there are so many who need financial help, many who are broken hearted,sad and lonely. please bless your children and calm their fears. in Jesus wonderful name i pray. Amen

- Anonymous | September 14, 2023

i have many things in my home that need repaired to make it a safe home. please pray for me.i am so alone in this situation and am afraid God please help me, show your love so i can see it.

- Anonymous | September 14, 2023

Pray for my step children to have a healthy relationship with their mother. Pray for my step children to have a relationship with each other. Pray that my step children's salvation & deliverance from drugs & alcohol.

- Anonymous | September 13, 2023

competency at work/ conflict resolution at work/ a life outside of work for solitary 65 year old woman, me. Jesus. I need you.

- Bar, shasta calif. | September 13, 2023

Our Nephew James "BRIAN" Jr to be delivered from evil & to be lead to 1st believe in God :( & was rasied in the church so Jesus is now not a part of his life....... 2nd to be lead by God to go to rehab to be delivered from drugs, gambling, strip clubs & needs a good job @36 years old! Live in his parent's basement & his car is broken down so his delivery job has hastened & he has unpaid bills that the law is coming after him!!! HIS Mother Debbie has left the house until he gets help....she is very close to The Lord & she trusts God to move in BRIAN'S LIFE BUT refuses to come home till he is in rehab & her husband James "BRIAN" is now left in charge to get things in order.... like make their son obey & respect their wants for his life.... Brian Sr. also needs Jesus & deliverance & to be holy spirit filled & be in authority in Jesus name we pray & give all thanks & glory Amen Amen

- Sandy, Maryland | September 11, 2023

Please pray for my family, some has lost there way, other's believe but isn't being honest to Our Lord Jesus Christ Im Not Perfect at all I am a sinner as well but I try very hard to help and do the right thing for all around I have Lung and heart problems and no way to go to Dr's Appointments since I live in a small town and my Dr's are 40 to 50 miles away I get upset because my car quit running and I have a fixed income no way I can afford one, Please just pray for my family its a struggle everyday I'm try to do side jobs just don't have the strength anymore, GOD Bless You All on this Prayer Wall and Thank You

- Sharon, Tx | September 11, 2023

Pray that God will separate Anecia Sabage from Kareame Holmes permanently, and that the soul-tie, strongholds be broken and destroy permanently and forever.

- Dee Dee, NY | September 11, 2023

Please pray for my adult granddaughter, Katherine, to lift her up out of the dark place she finds herself in right now, to shine Your Light and Love on her and draw her to new life inn knowing and following You.

- Kay Moutnford, ON | September 10, 2023

I come before u in Jesus name father thank you for seeing everything that's going on in my life thank u for always taken care of me I no u have a good plan for my life and you have promised that all things will work together for my good because I love you and am called according to your purpose father u see was going on in my life you see and you see that it is unjust and father righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne so father because you are righteous and just I know that u are ready to move on my behalf I believe that you are ready to reverse this situation for me according to your word so father I ask in Jesus name first that you the god of all comfort would comfort me during this seasoni charge the angles of god to minister to me right now in Jesus name I bind away every lie plot or trick of the enemy off my life and I loose healing wholeness life truth and holy vindication into my life I speak to the hidden things the f! ather desire to reveal and I command Amen

- DHUHANTIQUAN | September 10, 2023

Praying God would bless my kids and me with a house and a car. I thank God I have a work at home job. I do pray to be successful in a home business and our education with my kids. I do also, pray for our health, foundation in Jesus, and protection in a safe community.

- Danielle | September 10, 2023

Others come, read, and pray for you.

- k Nolan | September 8, 2023

For Jahna and Noah, a new start, health, faith, their future.

- K. nolan | September 8, 2023

For Gloria: heart health.

- k Nolan | September 8, 2023

That I be able to the Lord, go beyond myself. Never listen to the lies of evil, let go of all fear.

- K Nolan | September 8, 2023

My son has had 4th stage Melanoma Cancer for 3 years. He has had all of the tumors shrinking and then 4 months ago it returned and he has been fighting to get rid of this cancer for good. Please pray for him. We lost one son at the age of 31 from a severe asthma attack. I couldn't bear to lose this son. Thank you in advance for your prayerrs. Sincerely, Sharon L Ward

- Matthew | September 8, 2023

hi ,i want prayer in helping me find a Church home that will meet my needs and be somewhat not terribly far away.I am somewhat disabled and do not drive nor own a vehicle.Please pray someone that i trust will offer to take me for free.I am on disabilty and dont have a lot of surplus money.Also pleasse pray for my mom Paula L. She is trying to rehab in a nursing home and walk agaim.I humbly ask for your prayer for my mom.

- Andrew L., Jacksonville FL | September 7, 2023

prayers for my family and children on trials and trebulations, no weapon formed against us shall prosper or prevail hedge of protection over all of us blled the blood of Jesus Christ over situations , circumstances breakthrough, miracles signs and wonders, pur healing,minds, education gaining in knowledge schools and guide our steps in every situation.. break all generational curses off our blood lines.. keep all homes covered and going and coming amen cancel the plans of pf the enemy..

- Margaret Hernandez, San Antonio Texas | September 7, 2023

Saftey health protection employment basic things that you need

- Anonymous | September 5, 2023

To not have spirit reclaiming things and no things. To be able to do any and all things. To reach lokuttadharma 9. To quit medicine. To quit the hospital. To restore brain doubles. To restore double. For all of them to forgive me.

- Tan Popatas, Ladkrabang | September 3, 2023

We want to adopt 2 or 3 kids. We have been approved since January. Asking for God's will in this situation.

- Anonymous | September 3, 2023

We want to adopt 2 or 3 kids. We have been approved since January. Asking for God's will in this situation.

- Anonymous | September 3, 2023

Daughter. Mental health. Physical health.

- Anonymous | September 2, 2023

i am asking for help with finances to get a job/occupation that i can walk-to i have no other choice and life is so short! i pray for the tears to stop because im suffering in my health and pray for menopause to come to an end eventually hopefully sooner than later !!! its hard to deal with my parents mood swings and i feel unloved and sad from words that stick onto me to hurt my feelings.., i pray to get mentally stronger boundaries! life will be never be normal i guess abuse hurts my dream was to have maybe more kids i place in that and a husband/home to live in i love my daughter to become a christian i love her so much i would give my life for her trade to be the one who suffers for her i cant see her get hurt and broken

- Beth__Warren, heaven | September 1, 2023

Pray for my family to get a new home that i can rent until i can get my finances up to purchase a home.Pray for me a mom that is in need of prayer and strength.I pray for my family in whole that whatever challenges they are facing that it will be resolved.

- Constance Jones-Garrett, Hamtramck MI | September 1, 2023

I'm praying for my sister and her daughter will be able to talk and work all things out. My niece has not talked to her mother in 4 years. pray for my finances.

- Anonymous | August 31, 2023

Please pray Jesus Christ would carry out the following for Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: 1. Give all of us the kingdom of God and God's righteousness that you promised and make it happen. 2. Let the Son of God fulfill the Father God's will to us to the end, and let us see this and appreciate it when all our bodies are alive. 3. Do not allow us to do what we want or seek, but do for us what the Son of God wants to do, and only let it go well. 4. Lord Jesus, please send forth plenty of workers for the harvest that you talked about(Matthew ­13:39) and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us.

- Ha-young Shin | August 31, 2023

Father God, we bind evil spirits off of Pat's mind, soul, spirit and emotions in JESUS NAME, We Loose no evil spirits, we loose the PRESENCE OF THE LORD JESUS OVER PAT'S MIND, SOUL, SPIRIT AND EMOTIONS IN JESUS NAME. WE BIND PTSD AND WE LOOSE NO PTSD IN JESUS NAME, EVERYTHING THAT HAS PAT BOUND, IN THE NAME OF JESUS WE COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE PAT NOW AND NEVER RETURN TO PAT IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY. BE FREE PAT FROM THE SPIRIT OF INFIRMITIES. LUKE 13:11-13 11 And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. 12 And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, THOU ART LOOSED FROM THINE INFIRMITY. 13 And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. PAT SEARCH AND THE BIBLE ON HEALING, DEATH & LIFE IS IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE, SO SPEAK LIFE OVER YOURSELF, MAY THE LORD GIVE YOU UNDERSTANDING IN ALL THINGS. LOVE YA IN THE LORD JESUS

- Faithful Gal | August 31, 2023

HELLO, This is for Pat from Texas, who requested prayer on July 20, 2023, for God to cure them from PTSD. PAT HOW ARE DOING? Hope all is well with you and you are feeling the presence of the Lord Jesus, who gives you great peace that passes all our understanding. I wanted the songs of deliverance God gave me during my prayer time with Him, to encourage you and give you comfort. The links to the songs was not included with the prayer for you. Hopefully you can reach them by typing in Google YouTube homemadeuniquecards Then look for the songs Titled I BIND EVIL SPIRITS, I AM GOD ALONE, I GOT YOU, PAT GOD REALLY LOVES AND HE HAS NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY FEEL LIKE IT, DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE FEELINGS, GOD SAID HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US, HIS EARS ARE OPEN TO YOUR CRY, YOUR PRAYERS AND PAIN. JESUS IS WILLING ALL THE TIME TO HEAL YOU. Matthew 7:7-8 7 ASK, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and ye shall find; KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto.

- FAITHFUL GAL | August 31, 2023

  1. Write Prayer