The Gospel Coalition - TGC

a network of "broadly Reformed" evangelical churches and pastors promoting church reform and culture transformation, as well as encouraging and equipping current and next generation Christian leaders for gospel-faithful ministry

What is The Gospel Coalition?

NCC and NCC Devotional

Throughout the history of the church, Christians have used catechisms—collections of questions and answers designed for memorization and recitation—to teach foundational Christian doctrines. In a world of shifting beliefs and obscured truth, this communal practice of learning biblical truth via questions and answers is more needed than ever before.

Seeking to restore this ancient method of oral teaching and instruction to the regular life of the church, The New City Catechism & The New City Catechism Devotional are gospel-centered, modern-day resources that not only summarize important Christian beliefs through questions and answers, but also help readers be transformed by those doctrines.

Individually or in conjunction, these two gospel-infused resources set forth a comprehensive exposition of the gospel that counteract false narratives and form a distinct people and counter-culture reflecting the likeness of Christ within the life and heart of the individual, as well as the church universal.

TGC Authors

Additional TGC Church Curriculum & Study Guides