4.9 Stars Out Of 5
4.9 out of 5
4.8 out Of 5
(4.8 out of 5)
4.9 out Of 5
(4.9 out of 5)
Meets Expectations:
4.9 out Of 5
(4.9 out of 5)
of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
Displaying items 1-5 of 24
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  1. LS Ivy
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Wonderful Read
    February 13, 2023
    LS Ivy
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This book was so inspiring. I loved everything about it. I learned so much meditating on this book. I would absolutely recommend everyone to read it.
  2. bookwomanjoan
    Oak Harbor, WA
    Age: Over 65
    Gender: Female
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Good teaching on how to hear from God
    August 31, 2020
    Oak Harbor, WA
    Age: Over 65
    Gender: Female
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 4
    This little booklet is taken from TerKeurst's book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. She shares her profound experience of hearing God tell her to give her personal Bible to the fellow next to her on a plane. Her obedience and the subsequent events she experienced are very encouraging.

    TerKeurst shares how she has learned to hear from God, though never audibly. She gives us her morning prayer and provides several questions we can ask to distinguish our thoughts from God's impressions. She also tells us how God will confirm His messages to us.

    This is a good little booklet for readers who wonder if God speaks today and want to know how to hear His voice. There are study questions to answers and Scriptures to read so this would make a fine study for a weekend. TerKeurst's writing style is a pleasure to read in this honest and encouraging booklet.

    I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
  3. Marilyn
    Louisville, KY
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    October 8, 2020
    Louisville, KY
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: female
    Purchased this booklet for myself and then ordered several more for friends. The title "Is God Speaking To Me" is a question we all wrestle with from time to time and Lysa Terkeurst unlocks some truths to ponder. She sets out five questions to ask yourself to know if it is the voice of God. Great read to re-read and re-read.
  4. Ayla Will
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Fantastic read
    August 14, 2020
    Ayla Will
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Many Christians (myself included) want to hear God's voice. We want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are following Him, hearing His voice. We want to follow His plans for us, not our own selfish desires masked as God's plans. But that can be hard to do. How do we really know God is speaking to us?

    In "Is God Speaking to Me?" Lysa TerKeust spends a few short chapters sharing stories of times she has heard God's voice, as well as ways to know when God is speaking to each of us. I really appreciated the list of questions she asks whenever she is listening for God's voice. This booklet was short and sweet, but still Biblical and helpful.

    *I received a complimentary copy of Is God Speaking to Me? through the publisher and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. My positive review is not required.

  5. Sue
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Great Booklet
    July 29, 2020
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Is God Speaking to Me?: How to Discern His Voice and Direction Lysa TerKeurst

    This "pocket guide" is a great resource of encouragement. Lysa shares a story of God prompting her to give her Bible to a stranger on a plane. She then completes the story full circle of how God used that Bible to bring others to Him. This book has been revised and updated, which I appreciated. Lysa refers to not only what she has experienced years ago, but also references experiences that are more recent.

    Lysa, in her usual way, shares from the heart and from the Bible how God can and will speak to others. Readers will enjoy the personal stories and the encouragement shared throughout the book.

    I was given a free electronic copy to read for my honest review. I was happy to do so.
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