4.8 Stars Out Of 5
4.8 out of 5
4.7 out Of 5
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4.7 out Of 5
(4.7 out of 5)
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4.7 out Of 5
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of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
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  1. B. Bain
    1 Stars Out Of 5
    The Complete Illustrated Childen's Bible/ Harvest House
    June 22, 2015
    B. Bain
    Quality: 0
    Value: 0
    Meets Expectations: 0
    The pictures are absolutely fabulous! Seeing them online was what "sold" me. I was very disappointed with the content. It does systematically go through the Bible instead of presenting random hit or miss stories. The problem is that there is no depth or "meat" in the stories. Facts without significance are a waste of time.

    The child learns that Adam and Eve sinned and got thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Nothing is mentioned about God clothing them with animal skin (FIRST death caused) or that now there was a wedge between them and God and in the future they must approach God with a BLOOD offering. (No remission of sin without the shedding of blood.)

    This would make story 2 of Cain and Abel's offering understandable. It wasn't that Cain's produce was inferior, but rather that Cain chose to disobey God and do things his OWN way.....just like we sometimes do. Again, "without the shedding of blood there Is no remission of sin. That's why Cain got into trouble. Like

    Frank Sinatra's song, he did it HIS WAY.

    The entire book is a collection of stories with the points removed It is a large book and I understand space limitations but I would much rather buy a SET of books that tell the whole story. I love the idea of presenting the Bible stories in order to show the child how God works with man and also how the story of salvation runs throughout scripture, becoming clearer and clearer as time progresses.

    No, I would not recommend it.....although the pictures are fabulous.

    It is like buying a joke book with all the punch lines removed.

  2. Ambrosia
    1 Stars Out Of 5
    The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible
    May 29, 2017
    Quality: 1
    Value: 1
    Meets Expectations: 1
    This bible is beatuiful with colorful pictures on every page and the print is large enough for very young readers. The perfect bible for little ones so this Easter, April 2017 I bought 5 of them for my grand children ages 4 through 9. It is only May 28, 2017 and the binding of three out of 5 of these bible is totally destoryed. It would be easy to say that the grandbabies were hard on them, but I am with them almost all the time and the bibles were left sitting on the shelf and only taken to church on Sundays. I am sure if you buy one of these bibles the binding will be gone within three months no matter how careful you are with them. I would not recommend buying these books.
  3. G. L. Lynd
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Complete Illustrated Children's Bible
    March 13, 2019
    G. L. Lynd
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This is the best Children's Bible I have found. I buy hundreds of them and give them to Food Banks, Day Care Centers, Churches, friends, and relatives. The people LOVE them. The children LOVE them. The 300 Stories are beautifully condensed and illustrated with the best details and colors I have seen in one book. Under each story title is the Scripture reference where the story can be found in an adult Bible. There are 8 pages of the Table of Contents. I feel this offering by Harvest House Publishers is a blessing from very talented and Biblically devoted believers. This is not a comic book or some person's fantasized story book with whimsical additions, the stories in this Complete Illustrated Children's Bible are true to the real Scriptures. Our nation is becoming too secularized. The parents need to be sharing this Bible faith and wisdom with their families in order to arm their children with a love of God and His revelation to all people. I challenge you all to adopt the Christian education of our children as a High priority. Facilitate a great blessing. Give these Bibles to people. Read this book to your children. Buy them and give to everyone who will use them. It will give you more pleasure than going on a cruise. P.S. I see that this is now available in a Spanish version. AND Harvest House also offers a Complete Illustrated Bible Atlas, and a Complete Illustrated Bible Dictionary, and a Complete Illustrated Children's Bible Devotional. All of them are very High quality books.
  4. Sammy
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible
    April 6, 2020
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I like the pictures, and how they look realistic. By the way, I am 11 years old. I also like the way the stories are more in detail than my other Bible that I have.
  5. G
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    The Complete Illustrated Childen's Bible
    July 24, 2015
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I bought this to read to my 4 yr old granddaughter each night to intill in her the habit of a daily devotional. She loves it and looks forward to having it read to her each night. Beauthifully illustrated. She does not want to read just one a night. For a young child it is great. An older child will need more depth to the telling of the scriptures.
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