4.9 Stars Out Of 5
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  1. Becca
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Amazing book!
    November 7, 2023
    When I first heard that Ginny was writing a new book, I was so excited for it to be released. Ginny does so much research for her podcast, that I knew her book would be filled with so much information and inspiration. Having read her first book, I knew that she was a master anecdotal storyteller, weaving in research with experience, so I was so hopeful that this next one would be the same.

    I am so glad that it was! Ginny expertly weaves her own story with the research she's done about outdoor time, free play, and family expectations for life. It is clear she has read books upon books to add to her own book, and left me with a list of books that I now want to check out. \

    Ginny transparently shares her own vulnerable story that resonated with me as a mom of littles--the long hours inside were HARD and taking the kids outside literally changed the trajectory of our family. She encourages parents by sharing that her own family embraces screens (especially in the car since her kids didn't like the car) when necessary, combatting the time with extended hours outside--we don't need to be screen-free to instill outdoor and playtime values in our kids. Ultimately, I really loved that Ginny shared her own struggles with her readers in order to encourage us instead of pretending that she didn't struggle like the rest of us.

    If you are interested in reverting to some old time play values that our current society has lost, and ant some research to back up your "why," this book is a great choice for you. It will encourage you, make you laugh, and equip you with information that will inspire you to make small changes to your life that will make a huge impact on your whole family. I can't recommend this book enough!
  2. Homeschooling Mama
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    I stop my husband in the middle of his book 10000000 times to read him sections!
    November 5, 2023
    Homeschooling Mama
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of this book! Ginny does it again with her brilliant way of weaving research, stories, and questions to make you think. It made me laugh, cry, and stop my husband in the middle of his book 10000000 times to read him sections that were just too good not to share right then. Everyone needs to read this book whether you have kids or not. Our society as a whole will greatly benefit from this thought provoking book.
  3. Sarah K
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Thank you thank you!
    November 29, 2023
    Sarah K
    Oh goodness, this book was everything I hoped it would be and more! I love everything put out by Ginny; I've got her other books, she has my favorite podcast BY FAR and interviews some of the most interesting people, and now this one has come out and rocked my world again.

    One of my favorite things about this book, as with Ginny's other materials, is that there is ZERO guilt while reading. It is more of a bunch of "aha!" moments that I am excited to implement in my family and I came away from the book feeling encouraged and lit up about getting outside. She has such a genuine desire for families to experience the joy that she and her family have found in getting outside, and she has printed the science to back up what their findings have been.

    Ginny, you have changed the way that I think about getting outdoors and for that I am truly thankful. I finished the audiobook last night (by the way, LOVE that Ginny herself reads it!), and am tempted to start it again. Thank you so much for pouring your heart and your soul into all that you do.
  4. celliott152
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    An honest and well-researched book
    November 27, 2023
    I loved this book. Ginny was honest and relatable as she shared her story. Then she laid is all out there... the problems, the solutions, and the whys of it all. This book will inspire you to change how you approach your childhood. Bring on the boredom (not with the book... with your kids) and see the magic that transpires. This book it steeped in research that backs up the passion.
  5. TaraC
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Until the Streetlights Come On
    November 20, 2023
    Wow this book is loaded with so many "ah ha!" moments! While reading, I am seeing how I can do less, slow down and feel more fulfilled in life.

    I have loved all the 1000 Hours Outside podcasts from Ginny Yurich so as I'm reading this, I'm hearing her voice in so much of it. She has a way of making you feel so comfortable as you listen to her podcasts and that same feeling is there as I read this book. She makes you feel so....normal and understood. It's like you're sitting down and chatting with a good friend!
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