3.3 Stars Out Of 5
3.3 out of 5
2.7 out Of 5
(2.7 out of 5)
3.7 out Of 5
(3.7 out of 5)
Meets Expectations:
2.3 out Of 5
(2.3 out of 5)
of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
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  1. ChurchLibrary
    Age: 45-54
    Gender: female
    2 Stars Out Of 5
    No Jesus at the Ingalls' Christmas
    November 30, 2012
    Age: 45-54
    Gender: female
    Quality: 2
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 1
    This book has great illustrations and a simple-to-read story for young ones. I bought it for our church library and was surprised and very disappointed that it did not mention Jesus during the Ingalls' Christmas celebration. NO MENTION OF GOD, JESUS OR FAITH. If you want to take Christ out of Chrismas then this book is for you.
  2. Zachary
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: Male
    1 Stars Out Of 5
    A Christ-less Christmas!
    July 9, 2017
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: Male
    Quality: 1
    Value: 1
    Meets Expectations: 1
    I was utterly appalled to discover that Jesus is not mentioned at all in this book! It is especially concerning that this book is for young children who will get the impression that Christmas is a fun time, but devoid of Christ! Absolute rubbish! Throwing this book in the trash where it belongs!
  3. Shelly Smith
    Northeast Arkansas
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    A wonderful Christmas story.
    December 7, 2010
    Shelly Smith
    Northeast Arkansas
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I was thrilled to find the Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House" series in a set designed for younger kids. I have a 3 and a half year old daughter who loved the first one I gave her. I have a second one put up for Christmas and it is very hard not to give it to her now. She loved the story and I am so happy to share the memories with her. I read the whole set when I was about 10. I look forward to completing the set for my daughter.
  4. Kristen Olson
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    January 3, 2008
    Kristen Olson
    A great introduction for my 3 year old to The Little House series. I loved how simple their Christmas was and how they enjoyed it anyway.
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