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  1. RHMJ
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Eye-Opening and Encouraging
    September 7, 2023
    The Josiah Manifesto, Jonathan Cahn's newest book, is both eye opening and encouraging! Jonathan connects the dots between ancient historical facts and modern day events. It is amazing how precise these connect to each other and show God's plans and power! The author also includes a portion at the end of the book as to how we are to live life in these uncertain times plus a surprise ending! It is full of hope faith and encouragement. A must read!
  2. Richard A
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    The Josiah Manifesto
    September 6, 2023
    Richard A
    A real page turner!

    If you're a mystery or thriller fan you will LOVE this book! Excellent investigative work brings an understanding of the last 3 years. Actually it intertwines what has happened over the last 50 years from Castro to covid to Biden and makes sense of it like a thriller carrying you to the final chapter. And as a bonus it reinforces why you are living in this time. You have a purpose. A purpose you are uniquely equipped for. Your experiences both good and bad have brought you to a time and purpose. This book may help you understand how direction is unique to the individual. The story about Felix and the trip to Cuba will encourage you. This is the overriding theme through the stories in the book... you were born for a time such as this! Enjoy!!!
  3. Rick
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    An Eye Opener...Signs of the Future
    September 7, 2023
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    The Josiah Manifesto, like Rabbi Cahn's other books, is a message from God to His children. As in King Joshua's time 3000 years ago, the sacrificing of babies to their false gods was horrendous. Today the overwhelming number of abortions (over 60 million last year in the US) will not be tolerated by God. Either, we as a nation repent and change from this evil, or we will be punished. Signs are given as warnings by God. This book draws from the past to warn us of our future. With exact details, God has again opened Rabbi Cahn's eyes to bring us this message. You definitely need to read this book to have your eyes opened too.
  4. K.H.
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Enlightening and Hopeful
    September 5, 2023
    Quality: 4
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 4
    As always, the detail in how God fulfills prophecy and the intricacies of how Jubilee plays out is drop to your knees amazing. There was much repetition from chapter to chapter throughout 3/4s of the book, but I can see it was probably necessary in order to build the impact of the intricate detail time and time again in fulfilling the prophecy of Jubilee. It ends with encouragement to be the change that Josiah was in his lifetime. His manifesto and his call to faith should be ours.
  5. Faith to Faith
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Hope is Alive
    August 25, 2023
    Faith to Faith
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Another Masterpiece by Rabbi Jonathan. His research skills are impeccable and once again one is left wondering, how did he do that? Holy Spirit reveals the times and the seasons to him just as He did to the sons of Issachar. This book powerfully demonstrates how the "purposes of God " from first to last will prevail in our generation.
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